TAG Team
Each and every one of our tutors is chosen based on not only their own love of learning, but their love of teaching too! The TAG Team are self-confessed geeks and we wear that accolade with pride and our goal is to make you love our subject as much as we do.

Amy has been tutoring, inspiring and mentoring children for nearly a decade; not only across all syllabuses and ages but across the world as well! Whether it’s homeschooling, revision boot camps or weekly one-to-ones, she teaches kids to shine and thrive in environments expertly engineered to their needs.
Amy studied at the University of Cambridge in English, graduating with a BA and MA(Cantab). She adores books, speaks French fluently and worked as a Journalist – a Food and Arts Reviewer – before beginning TAG and setting her sights on inspiring kids to achieving marks and goals beyond their wildest dreams.

Felix graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a BA in Philosophy, where he received a bursary to train as a class teaching specialist with the Philosophy Foundation. He brings a multidisciplinary approach into the classroom, centred on the humanities and Maths. A keen debater, Felix encourages his students to develop their own views and opinions.

Bea has lectured at City, University of London and taught at King’s College London. She has a BA in English Literature from the University of Cambridge and her PhD from KCL was on the fourteenth-century dream vision Piers Plowman. Her favourite writer is Rachel Cusk and she is currently writing about the films of Powell and Pressburger.

Luke is a trained Primary School teacher who has worked in numerous settings, including as a youth club volunteer and teaching assistant. He has worked across age groups and from one-to-one to full classes. He enriches his lessons with games and developmental skills to make sure that his students’ needs always come first.

Holly graduated from Goldsmiths University of London with a BA in Music, where she gained three years of teaching experience in performance, theory and primary education—specialising in making English and Maths tuition creative! She also writes and composes music for theatre and sings with the London Philharmonic Choir.

Maggie’s BA in Languages and Literatures is from National Taiwan University, where she focussed on British art, literature and drama. She has taught for 10 years across the humanities and is a trained Mandarin teacher. Parallel to her teaching, Maggie is a translator, dramaturg and theatre maker, with a passion for cultural exchange and exploration.

Pepper is Amy’s Black Cockapoo puppy, she’s absolutely full of beans and loves nothing more than having a classroom full of children to play with. She loves chasing balls and reading books (not joking, she quite frequently steals them from the library!).