After School Clubs

Our TAG Team spent an inordinate amount of time discussing all the most interesting and inspirational things that we would have wished for at school, and this is what we came up with…

Mondays: Storytelling Club

Fly away into your favourite literary world via the magic of storytelling.

An opportunity to unwind after a busy day at school and look at literature through a creative and absorbing lens. This club is about rediscovering the enchantment at the heart of books.

3.30pm – 4.45pm: Storytelling Club: Ages 6 – 10

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Mondays: Mandarin Club with Maggie

Join Maggie, our trained Mandarin teacher, for a masterclass in Mandarin.

Maggie is a dramaturg and brings her love of literature, culture, and art to all her work. Her lessons will be a thorough grounding in the language that will go beyond the basics into a world of discovery.

4.45pm- 5.45pm: Mandarin Club

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Tuesdays: Primary School English and Maths Blast!

Tuesdays are dedicated to the little ones, to make sure that each and every student is getting the specialist attention they deserve to secure those foundations! We make sure that their confidence and competency is expert whilst teaching them creative ways to learn to love reading, writing and maths.

3.45pm – 5pm: Primary English and Maths Blast: Ages 6 – 8

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Wedensdays: Primary School English and Maths Blast!

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are dedicated to the Primary School students to make sure that each and everyone is getting the specialist attention they deserve.

The club is available for students from surrounding schools and TAG provides after-school collection for All Saints C of E and Blackheath Prep students on Wednesdays only.

4.00pm – 5.30pm: Primary English and Maths Blast: Ages 6 – 8

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Thursdays: 11+ Club

The 11+ can be daunting prospect but our Club has been expertly engineered to cover everything needed as well as adding verve and energy. Covering English, Maths, VR and NVR with homework tasks and feedback weekly.

Our Phonics Class makes enthusiastic readers of all our students; with all the fun of crafty tasks, music and puzzles, it’s curated to make lifelong readers and lovers of letters.

4.00pm – 5.30pm: 11+ Club: English, Maths, NVR & VR.

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Fridays: Music and Maths with Holly!

Music and Maths club is the perfect combination of academic work and creativity. If your child has ever asked “but when will I ever use maths in real life?”, then this club is the opportunity to show them how maths makes up so much of our lives! (especially things that are fun and creative.)

Our wonderful tutor, Holly, Holly graduated from Goldsmiths University of London with a Bachelor’s degree in Music.

3.30pm – 5pm: Music and Maths: Ages 5 – 12

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